Udego Finance, Blockchain And Digital Money

Alessandro Martinez
4 min readDec 11, 2021


The story of Udego started on the World Wide Web. A recent flurry of blockchain hype and its unfortunate association with Bitcoin motivated the creation of a money framework underpinned by a shared database rather than a blockchain.

The currently proposed concept behind Udego is only one possibility of many and also serves as an experiment in monetary exchange. To get Udego up and running, the “proof of work” is replaced with “Proof of Stake” — unlike public blockchains, there is no proof-of-work system in place to authenticate transactions, which are verified instead by Udego users taking up that role.

There is no risk attached to sharing information so it will take only a few minutes to get set up with basic details and UDT tokens. The first thing you need to do is install Udoos (client side app) on your computing device, enter your account details and then you’ll be ready for some time in the monetary sunshine.

There’s no need for heavy slow computing power, complex cryptographic keys or dizzying transaction costs; Udego can quickly be accessed from any device at any time, from anywhere in the world.

Udego Finance is the culmination of innovations in digital money and technology, like the blockchain and social media. The proposed concept is not without its flaws, but it could revolutionize how we see money and other monetary exchanges.

Udego Finance is a personal money platform that facilitates monetary exchange without the need for central control. It was created to address the many limitations and inefficiencies of existing currency systems. With Udego Finance, you can send and receive money, store it, and use it to purchase goods and services.

All of these things are only possible with a unique cryptographic identifier known as your “Personal ID.” This designation functions like an email address or social security number. By design, no one can create two accounts with the same Personal ID.

Finance has taken a big hit in the digital world. One of its staples, the banknote, has been exchanged for depreciating bits on a hard disk. Based on blockchain technology, digital money was supposed to reinvent finance but its system complexity made it impractical for general use.

Udego Finance combines the flexibility of Blockchain technology with a shared database to bring printed money back from oblivion.

Udego Finance is a highly specialized blockchain-free framework for money transactions. It pairs nicely with other systems and does not compete with them… yet.

Udego (you-dee-go) Finance is a unique concept in the world of money and finance. Unlike Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it is not a currency for which transactions can take place instantaneously. Instead it is an open database that lets people on any continent send and receive money with one another; as long as they have a device with an Internet connection.

The currency is called the UCO or Udego Coin. With Udego Finance, we’ve created a revolutionary digital coin system to revolutionise the way money works and help us achieve financial freedom and independence.

The future of money will be decided in the near future. Udego is an experiment in monetry exchange that may or may not become a reality. Either way we encourage you to trade Bitcoin and altcoins on our platform and brainstorm what money could look like in the future.

One of the most important developments since the origin of money is the emergence of digital money. This transaction method has been adopted more and more by PayPal, Amazon, Google, and other online platforms; it enables people to trade goods and services on a global scale.

Udego Finance is based on a completely new transaction method: Blockchain-less cryptocurrency. It could be the future of e-commerce and beyond.

Udego is a new type of currency and payment system that can be used online. It behaves like cash but is carried as numbers on your phone and allows you to track spending at all times, from resetting the PIN so no one can access it, to sending money over the web for free and paying for things at shops by simply tapping your phone or pressing a button on a smartwatch or card reader.

It is expected that the hype around blockchain will eventually settle down and calm down. Now is the time to make sure that the fervor stays alive and that the technology gets used for its primary purpose, not just as a buzzword.

To find out more information about Udego, please visit the page below :

Website — https://udego.finance/
Whitepaper — https://udegofinance.gitbook.io/udego-finance/social-accounts
Telegram — https://t.me/UdegoFinance​
Twitter — https://twitter.com/UdegoFinance​
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/UdegoFinance​
Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/UdegoFinance​
Medium — https://udegofinance.medium.com/​
YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfQen7asIoWe_GLDtz_hQ7

Bitcointalk username : Alessandro Martinez

Bitcointalk profile url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3397979

BEP-20 wallet address: 0x48dF0cE08730124089800Dc11628602140918CE3

